Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Looking up towards the sky between two buildings on Flagstaff campus.

2017 CHHS distinguished senior of the year

Micaela Kingston was chosen as the 2017 CHHS Distinguished Senior of the Year. Micaela will be receiving her Bachelors of Science in Fitness Wellness.

Character statement from the Health Sciences department:

“Micaela Kingston is a responsible, mature student with a strong work ethic who noticeably improves her classmates’ motivation and learning outcomes. Micaela has demonstrated that she not only mastered academic concepts, but connected concepts to form and express deeper understandings of the content, and accordingly was selected as a research assistant during her final semester in the program. In addition to her strength as a student, Micaela has a pleasant, professional demeanor and comes to class, internship, and the research environments prepared and ready to interact.”



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