Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)

Category: Physician Assistant Studies

How PAs are closing the healthcare gap in Arizona

In another step aimed at closing the healthcare gap in Arizona and becoming a leader in rural healthcare, NAU is expanding its Rural Health Professions Program, which will place physician assistant students into severely underserved communities throughout the state… Read more

Evelyn Goes to Washington

When Evelyn turned 16, the impacts of being undocumented became more apparent. She couldn’t legally get a job. She couldn’t drive. She navigated those challenges and persisted, and laws changed… Read more
N A U on a snowy day.

ASAPA Student Bowl champions!

Congratulations to our Physician Assistant Studies students who participated in the ASAPA Student Challenge Bowl and won the state championship for the second year in a row… Read more
Hundreds of people forming the letters N A U.