Aches and pains? NAU’s Physical Therapy Clinic is here to help free of charge | The NAU Review

Achievement unlocked: Physical therapy professor redefines health education using interactive gaming | The NAU Review

Northern Arizona University receives $100,000 endowed gift from the Daughters of the American Revolution to establish the Katherine Hudson Dilley Scholarship Fund

Free Parkinson’s exercise class could slow progression of the disease

Dr. Michael Harris-Love, President’s Alumni Award winner for CHHS

What’s your why? | Haley Alexander, Doctor of Physical Therapy student

Movement experts: hybrid Doctor of Physical Therapy program | NAU Stories

US News and World Report ranks NAU health programs as best in state

Northern Arizona University hosts first immersion lab for students in Hybrid Physical Therapy Program | AZ Daily Sun

NAU’s new hybrid PT program brought students from all over the country to train | AZ Family News