Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)

Category: College of Health and Human Services

Advancing understanding, deepening empathy: NAU’s Human Anatomy class begins again this fall

When Janessa Raspante reflects upon what inspired her to pursue a career in occupational therapy, she can point to several influential experiences that subtly led her to this path. She was inspired by her high school anatomy teacher, an experienced physical therapist, who first introduced her to the possibility of majoring in exercise and wellness when she got to college… Read more
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Dr. Amy Bonomi on her Journey in Health Professions

NAU’s College of Health and Human Services recently welcomed Dr. Amy Bonomi as its Associate Dean of Strategic Initiatives. Her path through health professions began as a child growing up in a household where both parents worked in the medical field. Her father is a noted oncologist specializing in lung cancer, and her mother dedicated her life to others as a nurse and through art. These two important figures would mark the beginning of her journey through the world of health. … Read more
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Dr. Corey Oshikoya Featured on 3TV

Dr. Corey Oshikoya, Instructor Department of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training, was recently interviewed by 3TV regarding Northern Arizona University’s Athletic Training Program… Read more
A trainer points to the tip of someone's shoe.
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