Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)

Category: College of Health and Human Services

Ottens Foundation Funds Native American Health Efforts

For over 31 years, the John and Sophie Ottens Foundation has donated more than $13 million to NAU, fulfilling the mission of supporting Native American students and providing health services to the greater Native American community of northern Arizona… Read more
A group of people gather around a patient wearing a blood pressure cuff.

Go baby go!

Occupational Therapy students in the NAU Go Baby Go Phoenix Club volunteered for Believe Beyond Ability to adapt ride-on cars for children who need a source of self-powdered mobility… Read more
A picture of an indoor rock climbing wall.

Physical Therapy wins 3MRP

Veglia, a physical therapy doctoral student at Northern Arizona University, focused on how prevalent and debilitating back pain can be: 70 to 85 percent of American adults will experience it in their lifetimes… Read more
A physical therapy student rubs a patient’s back.