Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)

Category: College of Health and Human Services

Ottens Foundation Funds Native American Health Efforts

For over 31 years, the John and Sophie Ottens Foundation has donated more than $13 million to NAU, fulfilling the mission of supporting Native American students and providing health services to the greater Native American community of northern Arizona… Read more
A group of people gather around a patient wearing a blood pressure cuff.

Go baby go!

Occupational Therapy students in the NAU Go Baby Go Phoenix Club volunteered for Believe Beyond Ability to adapt ride-on cars for children who need a source of self-powdered mobility… Read more
A picture of an indoor rock climbing wall.

Physical Therapy wins 3MRP

Veglia, a physical therapy doctoral student at Northern Arizona University, focused on how prevalent and debilitating back pain can be: 70 to 85 percent of American adults will experience it in their lifetimes… Read more
A physical therapy student rubs a patient’s back.

Students getting hands-on experience

A few years ago, a local man rolled into the pro bono physical therapy clinic at Northern Arizona University. After many months of weekly therapy, he walked out of it… Read more
A physical therapist speaks with a patient wearing a knee brace.

Undergraduate Symposium awards

Dental Hygiene student Annie Richardson won first place for her presentation titled “The Relationship Between Periodontal Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease”. Read more awards… Read more
Overhead shot of the N A U undergraduate symposium.
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