Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)

Game jam

NAU’s annual game jam

Are you an Arizona-based high school sophomore or junior aspiring to develop your own games? Northern Arizona University is proud to host its annual game jam, established in celebration of our Immersive Media and Games degree program, and we are seeking individuals just like you to compete.

Each year, teams of four participants will come to the NAU Flagstaff campus and compete against several other teams in a 32-hour sprint to produce the best Game Maker Studio game that falls under the current theme, with all food and housing included.


  • Only high school sophomores and juniors may apply.
  • You may not create a team prior to the start of the jam. NAU faculty will curate teams of 4 jammers each and ensure that teams are properly balanced based on the answers each jammer submits to the application questionnaire in order to make sure the competition is fair.
  • Each team will have 19 hours to produce their game.
  • All teams will produce their game using Construct 3.
  • The game must be published using the HTML5 build and run locally.
  • All of the game code and art should be developed during the jam, but you may use some pre-existing code and any art and audio assets you have the legal right to use.
  • Your game must fit under this year’s theme.


Of course. There will be lots of staff support and live tutorials to help guide you through game design.

Games will be judged by NAU faculty, community members, and sponsors. We will pick winners in the following categories: Best Overall Game, Best Innovative Design, and People’s Choice Award.

Yes, there’s a Discord available for Game Jam that you can join.

Not at all. All jammers will have rooms to stay in overnight at NAU, and food will be provided to all jammers through university dining.

None. The jam will be held using NAU resources on the NAU campus, so you don’t need to bring any of your own hardware.

Of course. Feel free to download Construct 3 and begin learning at any time.

Playable Concepts and Construct 3 have some very helpful articles about building Game Maker games to HTML5.