Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)

Stop into Clyde’s with NAU Theatre

Clyde’s, a feel-good drama, is coming to Northern Arizona University. We spoke with director Kathryn Ervin about the play, her process and experience, and more… Read more
sandwhich with knife in it on blue background

Josie Teegardin | Class of 2021

We interviewed Josie Teegardin, a Secondary Education History and Social Studies and Spanish graduate, on her experience at NAU and her career… Read more
San Francisco Peaks at sunset.

The Future is Now

This semester, the CAL Film Series is focused on journalism in the movies, and what better film to join the roster than an advanced screening of the documentary, Kiss the Future? Based on the book Fools Rush In, Kiss the Future details the experience of NAU’s own professor of journalism and film, Bill Carter, and his experiences with the people of Sarajevo and the legendary rock band U2 during the Bosnian War of the mid-to-late 90s… Read more
U 2 Poster created by Elliott for special advanced screening - text U2 and Sarejevo in multiple colors on black
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