Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Two people with Katsina collection.

Highlights From History Undergrads

The History Club had yet another successful semester. History Club hosted Indigenous advocates Darrell and Makaius Marks and NAU history professor Dr. Marcus Macktima to speak for Native American History Month. Dr. Michael Amundson and current history graduate school students offered their knowledge and insights. For Hispanic Heritage Month, Dr. Iuri Bauler Pereira, Dr. Lauren Lefty, and Dr. Jersus Colmenares presented on various topics.

Members combed through collections about the Green Book and Glen and Bessie Hyde from Cline’s Special Collections and Archives. Please join the History Club to meet fellow history students, plan fun events, and gain leadership skills!

History club poster: Tuesdays at 7 PM in the Liberal Arts building, Room 201

You can join the History Club on Tuesdays at 7 PM in Liberal Arts Room 201 during the academic semester.

Follow them on Instagram @nauhistoryclub or on discord.

Students at club fair with history club table

Every semester, the Department of History honors the hard work of one graduating senior. This semester, we are honored to recognize Liam Craddock as the fall 2023 history outstanding senior. Craddock has shown dedication to earning his history degree and plans to further his education in graduate school. 

“I’ve made some new friends and I’ve been exposed to information that even I, an indulgent Wikipedia-loving nerd, may never have found on my own,” Craddock said. “If anything, college has given me a bit more confidence in myself and helped me to refine my progressive sociopolitical instincts.”

Congratulations Liam, and best wishes to you in your future endeavors!

Two people with Katsina collection

In 2012, the Liberal Arts building underwent renovations, and in the process, The Rose Babbitt Ethnology Collection, which includes dozens of katsina/katchina dolls, was moved and mislabeled. These dolls are also called tithu or katsintithu by the Hopi people, and each is unique. This year, Ryan Gilbert and Assistant Professor Dr. Marcus Macktima worked together to ensure the dolls were labeled correctly.

Four of these dolls were the center of the project and were identified out of a roster of over 500 katsina spirits. Gilbert said the dolls can be identified by their masks, which are unique to each spirit, although many are quite similar. While the dolls’ masks stay the same across different artists’ interpretations, the bodies vary from doll to doll.

The collection resides in the William Tinsley room in the Liberal Arts building.

In the image above, the figures are, from left to right: Zuni Hemis, Water Maiden, Eagle, and Butterfly Maiden




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