Transfer student information
Resources to ensure a smooth transition
Transfer credit policy
If a university is recognized by the Ministry of Education in a student’s home country, or if it is directly accredited by a United States regional accrediting body, we will grant transfer credit. Students can receive up to 90 credits from a four-year institution and up to 64 credits from a two-year institution. You must submit official post-secondary transcripts and course descriptions in English in order to receive transfer credit (an original grade of C or better is required to get transfer credit). Please note that transfer credit will not be awarded for remedial level classes. The academic unit will determine direct equivalency for any major required courses.
Transfer credit is a two-step process. Step one involves international admissions posting transfer credit and determining liberal studies designations. Step two involves the student providing course descriptions and syllabi to the relevant department. You will work with your department advisor to determine if any transferred classes meet major requirements.
Please note that international students transferring to Northern Arizona University may look up course equivalencies on AZTransfer. Select Northern Arizona University and the institution from which you intend to transfer.

Transfer in your SEVIS
Students currently attending a secondary or postsecondary institution in the United States will be able to transfer their I-20 Form from their current institution to NAU. You must complete the Transfer-In Form with your current international advisor or designated school official (DSO). To complete the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) transfer procedure, NAU must verify that the student is or was in valid F-1 status at the school in the term preceding the student’s transfer or preceding an authorized vacation. The form will be completed by the student’s current international student advisor.

Admissions policy
An application is considered complete when all secondary and post-secondary transcripts have been received. Transfer students who have earned 24 or more credits at an American postsecondary institution (college or university) only need to submit that transcript as part of their application. Students with fewer than 24 postsecondary credits from an American institution must submit a secondary school transcript in addition to the transcript for any completed postsecondary courses, if applicable.
Transfer students without a post-secondary degree must have a 2.5 grade-point average (GPA) to be considered for admission to NAU. Transfer students with an associate or bachelor’s degree will be considered for admission with a cumulative GPA of 2.0.