President’s Celebration of Inclusive Excellence
NAU has five diversity commissions dedicated to promoting and supporting diversity and inclusion and all the intersections and lived experiences that exist on campus. The Commission for Indigenous Peoples (CIP), the Commission on Disability Access and Design (CDAD), the Commission on Ethnic Diversity (CED), the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), and the LGBTQIA Commission all work to meet their individual missions, while also supporting each other by co-hosting events and initiatives that meet the overall inclusive excellence goals of the commissions.
The Center for Inclusive Excellence and Access recognizes the outstanding work of this year’s Diversity Awards recipients. Annually, each of the commissions recognizes outstanding service to the NAU community that furthers the mission of each commission.

Commission on Disability Access and Design
The Commission on Disability Access and Design (CDAD) Leadership Award honors faculty, staff, students, departments, organizations or community members who have made outstanding contributions to the disability community at NAU.
2024 Awardees
- Student Award: Allison Stengar
- Faculty Award: Dr. James Ingram and Dr. Anita Joy Antonika
- Staff Award: Sakenya McDonald
- Group Award: Tim Elliott, Chad Mlenar, & NAU Custodial Shop
Commission on Ethnic Diversity
The President’s Award for Ethnic Diversity honors faculty, staff, students, departments, or organizations who have made outstanding contributions to the enhancement of ethnic diversity at NAU.
2024 Awardees
- Staff Award: Lisa Taylor
- Faculty Award: Dr. Cole Joselyn
- Group Award: Diversity in STEM Co-operative (DiSCO)
Commission on the Status of Women
The CSW Outstanding Achievement and Contribution Award honors Northern Arizona University faculty, staff or students and organizations or community members who have made outstanding contributions to women’s leadership development and towards advancing the status of women at Northern Arizona University.
2024 Awardees
- Student Award: Zoya Page
- Faculty Award: Samantha Clifford
- Staff Award: Dee Washington
- Organizational Award: Northland Family Help Center
LGBTQIA Commission
The Distinguished Service to the LGBTQIA Community Award is given to those who have demonstrated distinguished service to the LGBTQIA community. The Ally of the Year award is given to someone who has served as an outstanding ally to the NAU LGBTQIA community.
2024 Awardees
- Student Award: Parris Adams
- Faculty Award: Dr. Nancy Sullivan
- Staff Award: Karen Martinez
- Community Award: Felicia Fielder
Commission for Indigenous Peoples
The Cal Seciwa Award honors faculty, staff, students, departments, organizations or community members who have demonstrated distinguished service to the Native American community.
2024 Awardees
- Staff Award: Carmenlita Chief
- Faculty Award: Dr. Naomi Ruth Lee
- Alumni Award: Jeanne Haskie
- Student Organization Award: HAPA Hawaiian Club