When it comes to reducing the cases of Valley fever, one of the solutions may lie in the biocrust. Or, more precisely, the wind not blowing the biocrust… Read more
In their Cancer Biochemistry and Immunology Labs dedicated to cancer research, Archana Varadaraj and Narendiran Rajasekaran are discovering and developing new, innovative therapies to cure treatment-resistant cancers, especially breast, renal and colorectal cancers… Read more
Have you ever read a news story that you knew, as a researcher, contained inaccurate information? Or have you made an important discovery in your field that you wish would be available to the general public… Read more
For the first time since 2019, the Southwest Health Equity Research Collaborative (SHERC) displayed more than 15 pilot projects, research projects and supplements at their socially distanced, but still lively, Research Poster Presentation and Reception on Dec. 8 at the High Country Conference Center… Read more
Funding for a Pilot Project Program through Northern Arizona University’s Southwest Health Equity Research Collaborative (SHERC) allowed Jason Ladner, assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, to develop a unique “technological toolbox” that can identify and characterize antibodies against many different viruses simultaneously rather than only one at a time… Read more
The Southwest Health Equity Research Collaborative (SHERC) awarded three NAU researchers grants totaling $150,000 for health equity research in the local community through the Pilot Project Program (PPP)… Read more
Carmenlita Chief and Alexandra Samarron Longorio have devoted their careers to ensuring that every person, especially the most underrepresented and underserved, has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible… Read more