Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)

Tag: Amanda Hunter

SHERC: 5 years of growth, synergy and collaboration

What began as an innovative, ambitious project more than five years ago, the Southwest Health Equity Research Collaborative has now grown into a strong, effective team of faculty, staff, students and community organizations—all working together with a singular purpose—to increase basic biomedical, clinical, and behavioral research at NAU to address health disparities among diverse populations of the southwestern United States… Read more
Emery Eaves discusses a project with a team member.

Expanding Native Spirit

For Amanda Hunter, an Indigenous scholar from the Pascua Yaqui Tribe, empowering American Indian teens to embrace their cultural values and practices has been her mission as a graduate student and now as a postdoctoral scholar for the Center for Health Equity Research (CHER)… Read more