Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)

ABRC workshop explores developing a diverse rural healthcare workforce

NAU and Texas Tech discuss recruiting, retaining and training students to serve in rural border and tribal regions

Three female workshop speakers talking to workshop attendees.

On February 18, about 75 people from across Arizona, Texas, and throughout the nation gathered both online and at the NAU Phoenix Bioscience Core to discuss how to recruit, retain, and graduate a diverse healthcare workforce who will serve in underserved and rural communities, including reservations and border regions as part of the Arizona Biomedical Research Centre (ABRC) Workshop Series.

The workshop was sponsored by the Arizona Biomedical Research Centre (ABRC) in collaboration with NAU’s Center for Health Equity Research and the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and is the second of a five-part workshop series that runs through June.

Speakers included:

  • Lillian Smith, dean, NAU College of Health and Human Services
  • Betsy Jones, Texas Tech University, Health Sciences Center
  • Sarah Stringer, Texas Tech University, Health Sciences Center
  • Amanda Aguirre, president and CEO, Regional Center for Border Health, Inc.
  • Kim Russell, director, Arizona Advisory Council on Indian Health Care
  • Louis Perez, senior director of admissions and diversity,  Texas Tech University, Health Sciences Center
  • Mary Lou Brubaker, NAU Department of Physician Assistant Studies
  • Regina Eddie, NAU School of Nursing
  • Lauren Cobbs, Texas Tech University, Health Sciences Center
  • Gina Buban, NAU Department of Occupational Therapy
  • Zach Sneed, Texas Tech University, Health Sciences Center
  • Fred Onger, Texas Tech University, Health Sciences Center
  • Kim Russell, director, Arizona Advisory Council on Indian Health Care
  • Joena Ezroj, director, Regional Center for Border Health, Inc.
  • Sarah Stringer, Texas Tech University, Health Sciences Center

Workshop hosts were Oaklee Rogers, assistant dean, NAU College of Health and Human Services and David Trotter, associate professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Medicine and Medical Education and the assistant dean for student affairs at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine.

Register for an ABRC workshop.

Watch videos of past ABRC events.