In a collaborative study with the Crow Tribe in Montana, researchers from the Northern Arizona University Southwest Health Equity Research Collaborative hope to improve the early detection of dementia in American Indians and Alaska Natives, an important step toward enhancing preventive care in this vulnerable population… Read more
Congratulations to Indrakshi Roy who was recently named an assistant research professor for the Northern Arizona University Department of Health Sciences and for the Center for Community Health and Engaged Research (CHER). Roy’s professional interests are in gerontology, health disparities, health services research, health economics, health policy implications and healthy aging. She has been at CHER for three years as a biostatistician… Read more
When Gretchen Bachman needed expert assistance with six of her publications in different technological areas, she turned to the Center for Community Health and Engaged Research (CHER) Technical Assistance Group (TAG)… Read more
Why is the field of biostatistics important to health equity? Indrakshi Roy, PhD, biostatistician for the Center for Community Health and Engaged Research (CHER) and the Southwest Health Equity Collaborative (SHERC), believes that with the advancement of various technologies, analysis of data is becoming the cornerstone for policy decisions and for addressing health disparities or achieving equity… Read more