Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Exterior of the N A U science building.


The College of Engineering has nearly 50 different scholarships. You only need to fill out one application for all College of Engineering scholarships. Generous donors have provided the college with more than $100,000 in scholarships to award each academic year.

Student in white hard hat and lab coat working with a piece of equipment.

All available scholarships and awards for the Steve Sanghi College of Engineering will close on February 9th, 2025.

NAU-NSF S-STEM Scholarship Program

Majors: Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering


  1. US citizens, permanent residents, nationals, or refugees
  2. Full-time student
  3. First-year students showing strong academic promise (i.e., high GPA, excellent recommendations, or high standardized tests scores)
  4. GPA of 3.0 or higher
  5. Demonstrate high likelihood of professional success (good communication skills, motivation, engagement, etc.)
  6. Demonstrated financial need
  7. Complete the S-STEM Scholarship Application
Curly Ethington Scholarship


  1. Native-born US citizen
  2. Engineering major
  3. Preference given to students returning to complete their degrees
  4. GPA of 2.5 or above (not limiting or final deciding factor)
Industrial Council Scholarship (send TY notes to V. Korte)


  1. Enrolled in NAU as an engineering major
  2. Completed 30 semester hours
  3. Minimum GPA of 3.0
Fred and Edith Ohlinger Scholarship


  1. Engineering major 2
  2. GPA of 3.0 or above 3
  3. AZ resident
  4. Demonstrated financial need
Engineering Scholarship Fund


  1. Engineering major

NAU-NSF S-STEM Scholarship Program

Majors: Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering


  1. US citizens, permanent residents, nationals, or refugees
  2. Full-time student
  3. First-year students showing strong academic promise (i.e., high GPA, excellent recommendations, or high standardized tests scores)
  4. GPA of 3.0 or higher
  5. Demonstrate high likelihood of professional success (good communication skills, motivation, engagement, etc.)
  6. Demonstrated financial need
  7. Complete the S-STEM Scholarship Application
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers

Majors: Construction Management, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering


  1. Junior or senior
  2. GPA of 2.5 or higher
  3. Arizona high school
  4. AZ resident
  5. Authorization to work in the US
  6. Demonstrated financial need
Jon & Christine Bourgeois Scholarship

Majors: Civil Engineering or Construction Management


  1. Full-time student
  2. Civil engineering or construction management major
  3. Sophomore, junior, or senior
  4. Demonstrated financial need
The Beavers Heavy Construction Scholarship

Majors: Civil Engineering or Construction Management


  1. US citizen
  2. Full-time student
  3. Junior or senior or graduate student (master’s) majoring in civil engineering or construction management studies directly applicable to the heavy construction industry
  4. Demonstrated financial need
  5. The professional goal of achieving a career in heavy construction established by enrollment in the related curriculum; commitment to pursue part-time or summer employment in heavy construction industry; a written paper outlining the recipient’s reasons for choosing a career in the heavy construction industry
Kinney Construction Services Award

Majors: Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Construction Management


  1. Majoring in construction management (1ˢᵗ preference), civil engineering (2ⁿᵈ preference), or environmental engineering (3ʳᵈ preference)
  2. Sophomore, junior, or senior
  3. Independent of financial assistance from parent or guardian
  4. Working to support themselves
Daie Scholarship

Majors: Computer Science or Electrical Engineering


  1. Full-time students
  2. Graduate Student
  3. Enrolled in SICCS
  4. Minimum GPA of 3.0
  5. Preference given to research that contributes to human health through collaboration with PMI OR are involved in artificial intelligence research
Atos IT Solutions and Services Award

Majors: Computer Science or Electrical Engineering


  1. Have achieved a junior status
  2. Major in electrical engineering or computer science
  3. GPA of 3.0 or above
  4. Multicultural Engineering Program member
Honeywell Perpetual Fund

Majors: Computer Science or Electrical Engineering

Clayton & Rose Chance Scholarship

Majors: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering


  1. US citizen
  2. Junior (when awarded)
  3. Full-time student
  4. GPA of 3.0 or above
  5. If sufficient funds are available, scholarship supports students in their junior year to use in their senior year.

NAU-NSF S-STEM Scholarship Program

Majors: Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering


  1. US citizens, permanent residents, nationals, or refugees
  2. Full-time student
  3. First-year students showing strong academic promise (i.e., high GPA, excellent recommendations, or high standardized tests scores)
  4. GPA of 3.0 or higher
  5. Demonstrate high likelihood of professional success (good communication skills, motivation, engagement, etc.)
  6. Demonstrated financial need
  7. Complete the S-STEM Scholarship Application
Shelton Hannig Civil Engineering Scholarship

Majors: Civil Engineering


  1. Full-time undergraduate
  2. Civil Engineering major
  3. Junior or above
  4. GPA of 2.75 or above
  5. US citizen
  6. Consider leadership qualities, class assignments, outside activities
  7. Can be renewed
AZ Engineering Company Scholarship

Majors: Civil Engineering


  1. Junior or above
  2. Civil Engineering major
  3. US citizen
  4. GPA of 3.0 or above
  5. Full-time student
  6. Demonstrated interest in consulting engineering
  7. Extracurricular activities, specifically to social responsibilities in engineering position
Richard E. Boehl Memorial Scholarship

Majors: Civil Engineering


  1. Junior or senior
  2. Full-time undergraduate
  3. Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above
  4. Self-supporting
  5. Civil Engineering major
Wood Patel & Associates Civil Engineering Scholarship for Native American Students

Majors: Civil Engineering


  1. Full-time student
  2. Sophomore, junior, or senior year
  3. In good academic standing
  4. Majoring in Civil Engineering
  5. A member of a federally recognized Native American tribe
Westland Resources Engineering Scholarship for Native Students

Majors: Civil Engineering


  1. Full-time student
  2. Sophomore, junior, senior
  3. In good academic standing
  4. Majoring in Civil Engineering
  5. A member of a federally recognized Native American tribe
Structural Engineering Association of AZ

Majors: Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering emphasis)


  1. Full-time undergraduate
  2. Junior or senior
  3. GPA of 3.0 or higher
  4. Majoring in Civil Engineering
  5. Preference given to AZ resident
  6. Preference given to member of ASCE or SEA of Arizona
  7. Awarded to two students and the donor requests students to write an essay answering the following:
    1. What does a structural engineer do?
    2. What are your goals in the field of engineering? Indicate the area of civil engineering you plan to specialize in.
    3. Goals between now and graduation and goals for the first five years of graduation.
    4. Explain how the scholarship will help you in pursuit of your goals and why you should receive the award.

These can be addressed in the TY note. (300 words)

AZ Society of Civil Engineers

Majors: Civil Engineering or Environmental Engineering


  1. Member of the ASCE student organization
  2. Undergraduate student
  3. Civil or environmental engineering student
CENE Scholarship Fund

Majors: Civil Engineering or Environmental Engineering

Frank Protiva and Tom Moody CE Scholarship

Majors: Civil Engineering or Environmental Engineering


  1. Enrolled in Civil or Environment Engineering
  2. Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0

Ben Griggs/ASA Scholarship


  1. US citizen
  2. Full-time student
  3. Majoring in CM
  4. GPA of 3.0 or above
  5. AZ high school graduate
Scott William McFarland Memorial Scholarship for Construction Management


  1. First preference given to non-traditional students
  2. GPA of 2.5 or better
  3. Active in engineering clubs and demonstrated leadership ability
  4. Demonstrated financial need
  5. Majoring in CM
Chuck Orr Construction Management Scholarship


  1. Full-time student
  2. First preference to GPA of 2.5 or better
  3. First preference to AZ high school graduates
  4. Preference to students active in clubs/organizations associated with major or ASNAU
  5. Preference to students with demonstrated leadership ability
  6. Majoring in CM
Construction Financial Management Association


  1. Full-time student
  2. AZ high school graduate
  3. GPA of 3.25 or better in CM credits
  4. At the discretion of the chair, demonstrate financial need
  5. Majoring in CM
Construction Management Department Scholarship


  1. Open to all student construction management students who apply
CEMEX scholarship


  1. Full-time student
  2. Majoring in Construction Management with interest in building materials
  3. US citizen
  4. Sophomore, junior, or senior
  5. Minimum GPA of 2.5
GLHN Scholarship


  1. GPA of 2.5 or above
  2. Junior or senior
  3. Majoring in CM
  4. Preference given to AZ high school
  5. Preference given to demonstrated financial need
  6. Preference given to first-generation students
  7. Preference given to US veterans
Kitchell Native American CM Scholarship


  1. Full-time student
  2. Junior or senior
  3. Native American
  4. Majoring in CM
  5. GPA of 3.0 or higher
  6. Financial need
  7. Provide proof of enrollment in a federally recognized Native American tribe
External CM Scholarships

The following are additional scholarships outside of NAU that are specifically for CM students. Please check the application date before submitting, as they are all different.

Retail Contractors Association Scholarship

Selection is based upon the following criteria:

  • pursuing a Construction Science, Construction Technology, or Construction Management degree
  • must have a 3.0 GPA in construction major and a 2.5 GPA overall minimum
  • must demonstrate interest to work in the commercial construction industry via letter of interest
  • good academic standing

Visit the Retail Contractors Association webpage for more information.

Kenn Lockhart CSI Scholarship Foundation

The Kenn Lockhart CSI Scholarship Foundation is a non-profit corporation established in January 2007 by the Phoenix Chapter of the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) to promote education in the field of architecture, engineering for building projects, landscape architecture, interior design, and construction science and technology, including construction management.

The Foundation’s objective is to promote future advancement of the construction industry through education by providing undergraduate scholarships to deserving students in these fields of study.

Selection is based upon the following criteria:

  • Scholarships may be awarded to a student with a minimum of three years completed toward a four-year and above degree and at least one year remaining to complete their professional degree.
  • Student must be a resident of Arizona and be enrolled in an accredited college in Arizona.
  • Student must be majoring in architecture, engineering for building projects, landscape architecture, interior design, and construction science and technology, including construction management.
  • Student must have shown a special skill and advancement in the areas of architecture, engineering for building projects, landscape architecture, interior design, and construction science and technology, including construction management.
  • Financial need is not a criterion.
  • Students must have a grade point average of not less than 2.5 on a 4.0 grading scale.
  • Apply now.
AGC Foundation Scholarships

The AGC Foundation offers both undergraduate- and graduate-level scholarships to students enrolled in ABET- or ACCE-accredited construction management-related programs.

Selection is based on the following criteria:

Undergraduate scholarships: College sophomores and juniors enrolled or planning to enroll in a full-time, four- or five-year ABET- or ACCE-accredited construction management or construction-related engineering program are eligible to apply. High school seniors and college freshmen are not eligible.

Graduate scholarships: College seniors enrolled in undergraduate construction management or construction-related engineering degree program, or others possessing an undergraduate degree in construction management or construction-related engineering are eligible to apply.

The applicant must be enrolled or planning to enroll in a graduate-level construction management or construction-related engineering degree program as a full-time student.

How much money is available: 

Our renewable undergraduate scholarships are worth $2,500 per year for each year of undergraduate study, up to a maximum of $7,500 each; over 100 new scholarships are awarded each year. Best of all, there is no application fee.

The Saul Horowitz, Jr. Memorial Graduate Award and the Heffner Scholarships for Graduate Students are worth $7,500 each, paid in two installments of $3,750.

Application Deadline: TBA

Valley of the Sun Chapter of Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA)

The Valley of the Sun Chapter of CFMA will award an educational scholarship up to $2500 in value for each semester (summer sessions do not qualify). We acknowledge that one of our primary goals is education. We also acknowledge the need for qualified employees in the construction field. These needs will be largely filled by students graduating from area schools. We hope these scholarships will prove to be an investment in the Arizona field of construction by providing promising construction professionals with some financial assistance while completing their studies.

Selection is based upon the following criteria:

  • has or will receive a diploma from an accredited high school
  • have a GPA between 3.0 and 4.0 if already enrolled in college or technical school or a GPA between 3.4 and 4.0 if graduating from high school
  • demonstrate a relationship to CFMA or other qualified construction associations by letter of recommendation from a member or an employee of a member company
  • have a declared major in business or accounting
  • show professional or civic involvement in the community

Deadlines: Applications are due April 1 or October 1 of each year.

More Information: 

  • Scholarships are awarded within 60 days of application deadline.
  • Candidates applying for the scholarship will be given preference over those who reapply.
  • CFMA VOS welcomes former recipients of this scholarship to reapply by submitting the information requested above, plus an update (progress report) stating your progress to reaching your educational goal.
Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) Senior Undergraduate Scholarship

Successful recipients must be US citizens and enrolled full-time at the senior level in an accredited civil engineering program, or in a related field as determined by ASDSO, and must demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in hydraulics, hydrology or geotechnical disciplines, or in another discipline related to the design, construction, and operation of dams.

Minimum Criteria: applicants must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 for the first three years of college and be recommended by their academic advisor.

The basis for selection will generally follow these guidelines:

  • academic scholarship
  • financial need
  • work experience/activities
  • essay

Link to more info:

Link to Scholarship Application:

NAU-NSF S-STEM Scholarship Program

Majors: Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering


  1. US citizens, permanent residents, nationals, or refugees
  2. Full-time student
  3. First-year students showing strong academic promise (i.e., high GPA, excellent recommendations, or high standardized tests scores)
  4. GPA of 3.0 or higher
  5. Demonstrate high likelihood of professional success (good communication skills, motivation, engagement, etc.)
  6. Demonstrated financial need
  7. Complete the S-STEM Scholarship Application
Mechanical Engineering Scholarship


  1. Open to all mechanical engineering students who apply
Joe and Kit Troxler Scholarship


  1. US citizen
  2. Junior or senior
  3. Mechanical engineering major
  4. Dedicated and hardworking
  5. Demonstrated financial need
Brian Patrick Lindsay Memorial Scholarship


  1. Full-time student
  2. Sophomore or above
  3. GPA of 2.75 or above
  4. US Citizen
  5. Other accomplishments may be considered in the selection process (i.e., working to pay for college expenses, must have a true focus on the end result of an engineering degree)
  6. Preference given to students who are ineligible for other scholarship
  7. Students may reapply
Roy C. Johnston Mechanical Engineering Scholarship


  1. Full-time student
  2. Mechanical engineering major
  3. Sophomore, junior or senior
  4. GPA of 2.75 or above
  5. US citizen
External ME Scholarships
American Muscle Scholarship
  • 4 x $2,000 scholarships for students pursuing an automotive-themed major (mechanical engineering, robotics, etc.)
  • Two scholarships will be awarded every spring semester, followed by two additional scholarships to be awarded for the fall semester each year.
  • Additional information can be found on their scholarship webpage.

NAU-NSF S-STEM Scholarship Program

Majors: Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering


  1. US citizens, permanent residents, nationals, or refugees
  2. Full-time student
  3. First-year students showing strong academic promise (i.e., high GPA, excellent recommendations, or high standardized tests scores)
  4. GPA of 3.0 or higher
  5. Demonstrate high likelihood of professional success (good communication skills, motivation, engagement, etc.)
  6. Demonstrated financial need
  7. Complete the S-STEM Scholarship Application
Computer Science Scholarship

Majors: Computer Science


  1. Open to all computer science students who apply
VMware Fellow Martin Casado Computer Science Scholarship

Majors: Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, and Applied Computer Science


  1. Full-time undergraduate
  2. Preference given to Arizona residents
  3. Demonstrated financial need

NAU-NSF S-STEM Scholarship Program

Majors: Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering


  1. US citizens, permanent residents, nationals, or refugees
  2. Full-time student
  3. First-year students showing strong academic promise (i.e., high GPA, excellent recommendations, or high standardized tests scores)
  4. GPA of 3.0 or higher
  5. Demonstrate high likelihood of professional success (good communication skills, motivation, engagement, etc.)
  6. Demonstrated financial need
  7. Complete the S-STEM Scholarship Application
Electrical Engineering Scholarship


  1. Open to all electrical engineering students who apply
Randy Sherman Scholarship


  1. Have completed freshman and sophomore years in electrical engineering
  2. Undergraduate or graduate
  3. GPA of 3.0 or above
  4. Demonstrated financial need
  5. Scholarship renewable if candidate continues to meet criteria.

Pheatt Family Research and Design Award

Majors: Engineering Discipline (Mechanical, Civil, Environmental, Electrical, Computer Science, or Construction Management)

Selection is based on the following criteria:

  • Student must be majoring in an engineering discipline.
  • Have a GPA of 3.0 or above.
  • Applicants will submit an essay describing their interest/experience in multidisciplinary research and design and proposing a project. Projects should be focused in the areas of engineering, involving more than one discipline that could include electrical engineering, computer science, informatics, cyber systems, mechanical engineering, bioengineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering, science, mathematics, business, or others. Successful applications will address key skills the applicants expect to gain from the project and how the project aligns with their career goals.

Interested incoming freshman, transfer, and continuing engineering students should submit an online application. The application opens December 11, 2023, and closes February 9, 2024. The scholarship committee will review all completed applications submitted before midnight on February 9, 2024. See the three additional documents below required to fulfill the needs of a completed application packet.

To be considered for all scholarships, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) (opens December 31). Failure to do so could result in missed scholarship opportunities. Most scholarships cannot be awarded unless there is a FAFSA on record.

Please visit NAU’s FAFSA page to learn more, or visit FAFSA directly.

Scholarship applications are for the 2024-2025 academic year. Awards are applied to tuition and fees for the fall and spring semesters. If you are scheduled to graduate in the fall, they will be awarded for a single semester.

In addition to submitting an application, the following documents are also required:

  1. Completed FAFSA.
  2. Current résumé.
  3. Essay not to exceed 750 words. Your essay will be reviewed by the Scholarship Selection Committee and should address the following: your major and why you chose it, your commitment to completed or upcoming internships, involvement in college or university clubs and organizations, extracurricular activities, community service, leadership activities and abilities, and anything else you’d like the committee to know about you and your educational endeavors.

Please email all required documents in a single PDF file with your first and last name and major.

This scholarship requires a separate application. Find the criteria, requirements, additional information, and application for this opportunity.

Student with baseball cap looking at a device in the imaging lab.
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