The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) is pleased and excited to convene the third Biennial National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC). Our theme for this year is Shared Responsibility for Indigenous Climate Resilience.

This event will convene our relatives, partners, and colleagues from across Mother Earth to share their knowledge about their efforts to address the climate impacts on their communities, natural environment, and non-human relatives. This includes the sharing and honoring of Traditional and Indigenous Knowledges while ensuring that these knowledges belong to the Indigenous communities and people from where and who they came from. 

As our conference theme denotes, as the five-fingered beings/humans, we must continue our efforts to care for Mother Earth and the only way forward is to share the responsibility. Indigenous climate resilience is ensuring the next seven generations will sing our songs, say our prayers, hold ceremonies, be in harmony with our non-human relatives, and live in beauty with our Mother Earth and Father Sky. 

As we have done in previous years, we welcome all who are interested in participating or attending to listen, learn, and share the important work being done.

Past NTICC Conferences

Click below to view recordings of past NTICC gatherings.
Recordings are located on ITEP's Mediaspace Channels through Northern Arizona University (NAU)

The National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference is made possible with support from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Tribal Resilience Program, ITEP's Climate Change Advisory Committee, and countless other partners.